

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间6日,特朗普(Trump)签署两项行政命令(executive orders),宣布将在45天后禁止任何美国个人及企业与TikTok母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)进行任何交易,禁止美国个人及企业与腾讯公司(Tencent)进行与微信(Wechat)有关的任何交易。



Trump Targets WeChat and TikTok, in Sharp Escalation With China

The New York Times

The Trump administration announced sweeping restrictions on two popular Chinese social media networks, TikTok and WeChat.

The twin executive orders, released late Thursday night and taking effect in 45 days, cited national security concerns to bar any transactions with WeChat or TikTok by any person or involving any property subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The order essentially sets a 45-day deadline for an acquisition of TikTok, which is in talks to be acquired by Microsoft.

Mr. Trump’s advisers have zeroed in on technology companies, which they say are beholden to the Chinese government through security laws. Many companies that do business across the Pacific have been left paralyzed or begun to reconsider their partnerships, unsure of whether these tensions will spill into a new Cold War. The restrictions announced Thursday would also represent a further balkanization of the global internet, as nations continue to cut off foreign technology companies from one another’s markets.

In the announcement, Mr. Trump accused WeChat, made by Tencent, and TikTok, made by ByteDance, of providing a channel to obtain Americans’ proprietary information, keep tabs on Chinese citizens abroad and carry out disinformation campaigns to benefit China’s interest.

“The spread in the United States of mobile applications developed and owned by companies in the People’s Republic of China (China) continues to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,” the president wrote.

Much remains unclear about the scope of the ban, including precisely which transactions would be severed. But it appears to have even more severe consequences for WeChat than for TikTok, which could be rescued through its talks with an American suitor.

WeChat is used widely around the world, particularly by people of Chinese descent, to communicate with friends and loved ones, read news and carry out business transactions, and such a ban could effectively cut off much informal communication between people in China and the United States. Questions remain as to whether the order will affect businesses tied to Tencent, WeChat’s parent company, which is an investor in many popular American technology and gaming start-ups.

TikTok and Tencent did not immediately respond to requests for comment. A press officer for Microsoft declined to comment.

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Trump Targets WeChat and TikTok, in Sharp Escalation With China


The New York Times


The Trump administration announced sweeping restrictions on two popular Chinese social media networks, TikTok and WeChat.



escalate的名词形式,escalate表示“使…加剧;加剧”,英文解释为“If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity.”举个🌰:

They fear the dispute could escalate.


The threat of nuclear escalation remains.


🎬电影《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中的台词提到:regarding the need for further escalation of the war in Vietnam. 关于扩大越南战争的必要性。


作形容词,表示“影响广泛的;大范围的;根本性的;意义深远的”,英文解释为“[ usually before noun ] having an important effect on a large part of sth”如:sweeping changes 彻底变化,举个🌰:

They were given sweeping powers to search homes.


🎬电影《沉默》(Silence)中的台词提到:He wrote those words during the most sweeping persecution of all. 他写下这些话时 正经历着最为残酷的迫害。

📍sweep作动词,可以表示“风行,风靡,迅速蔓延,迅速传播;席卷;横扫”,英文解释为“to quickly spread through and influence an area”举个🌰:

A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


📺电视剧《王冠》(The Crown)中的台词提到:Independence is sweeping across the continent. ~席卷这片大陆。

📺动画片《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)中的台词提到:A plague is sweeping through Springfield. 一场瘟疫正席卷斯普林菲尔德。

The twin executive orders, released late Thursday night and taking effect in 45 days, cited national security concerns to bar any transactions with WeChat or TikTok by any person or involving any property subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The order essentially sets a 45-day deadline for an acquisition of TikTok, which is in talks to be acquired by Microsoft.


take effect

1)表示“开始起作用;见效”,英文解释为“to start to produce the results that are intended”举个🌰:

The aspirins soon take effect.


2)表示“生效;开始实施”,英文解释为“to come into use; to begin to apply”举个🌰: 

The new law takes effect from tomorrow.


📺美剧《24小时》(24 Hours)第八季中的台词提到:Morphine will take effect in just a few moments.吗啡很快就会起作用了。


1)表示“挡(路)”,英文解释为“If you bar someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path.”举个🌰:

She moved to bar his way


2)表示“禁止,阻止”,英文解释为“If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it.”举个🌰:

The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.


🎬电影《逆转王牌》(Runner Runner)中的台词提到:He said I'd be barred from re-entering the country.他说我下次回国时会被禁止入境。

subject to

1)表示“受…支配;服从于”,英文解释为“under the authority of sth/sb”举个🌰:

All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.


2)表示“取决于;视…而定”,英文解释为“depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed”举个🌰:

The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval.


3)表示“可能受…影响的;易遭受…的”,英文解释为“likely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.


🎬电影《鹰眼》(Eagle Eye)中的台词提到:Unattended luggage is subject to collection and search by the airport police. 无人看管的行李会被机场警方托收并检查。

jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃən/

1)表示“司法权;管辖权”,英文解释为“Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws.”举个🌰:

The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


2)表示“管辖范围”,英文解释为“A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority.”如:in most other European jurisdictions, 欧洲大部分其他司法辖区。

🎬电影《X战警:逆转未来》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)中的台词提到:I don't believe you have jurisdiction in this matter.我想这事不在你的管辖范围内。

Mr. Trump's advisers have zeroed in on technology companies, which they say are beholden to the Chinese government through security laws. Many companies that do business across the Pacific have been left paralyzed or begun to reconsider their partnerships, unsure of whether these tensions will spill into a new Cold War. The restrictions announced Thursday would also represent a further balkanization of the global internet, as nations continue to cut off foreign technology companies from one another's markets.


zero in on

表示“集中全部注意力于”,英文解释为“to fix all your attention on the person or thing mentioned”举个🌰:

They zeroed in on the key issues.


📺动画片《马男波杰克》(BoJack Horseman)第一季中的台词提到:And once you zero in on his Achilles' heel, we will take... him... down. 一旦你瞄准了他的弱点 我们就会打败他。

📍从此Achilles' heel,阿喀琉斯之踵,原指阿喀琉斯的脚后跟,因是其身体唯一一处没有浸泡到冥河水的地方,成为他唯一的弱点。阿喀琉斯后来在特洛伊战争中被毒箭射中脚踝而丧命。现引申为致命的弱点,要害。(百度百科)


表示“欠...人情的;负有义务的;(因受恩惠而心存)感激,感谢”,英文解释为“If you are beholden to someone, you are in debt to them in some way or you feel that you have a duty to them because they have helped you.”举个🌰:

We feel really beholden to them for what they've done.


🎬电影《政坛混战》(The Campaign)中的台词提到:I am not beholden to Cam Brady's accusations. 我没义务接受卡姆·布雷迪的谴责。

paralyze /ˈpærəlaɪz/

1)表示“使瘫痪;使麻痹”,英文解释为“to make sb unable to feel or move all or part of their body”举个🌰:

The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.


2)表示“使不能正常工作”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from functioning normally”举个🌰:

The airport is still paralyzed by the strike.



balkanization /ˌbɔːlkənaɪˈzeɪʃən/表示“割据;巴尔干化”,英文解释为“If you disapprove of the division of a country into separate independent states, you can refer to the Balkanization of the country. ”举个🌰:

We can't accept the fragmentation or balkanization of the country



In the announcement, Mr. Trump accused WeChat, made by Tencent, and TikTok, made by ByteDance, of providing a channel to obtain Americans' proprietary information, keep tabs on Chinese citizens abroad and carry out disinformation campaigns to benefit China's interest.



proprietary /prəˈpraɪɪtərɪ/ 表示“专卖的;专营的;专利的”,英文解释为“made and sold by a particular company and protected by a registered trademark”如:a proprietary medicine专卖药品。

keep tabs on

表示“密切监视”,英文解释为“If someone keeps tabs on you, they make sure that they always know where you are and what you are doing, often in order to control you.举个🌰:

It was obvious he had come over to keep tabs on Tom. 


📺美剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)中的台词提到:You asked me to keep tabs on her. 你让我监视她。


📍pick up the tab表示“(代表一群人)付帐;承担全部费用”,英文解释为“If you pick up the tab, you pay a bill on behalf of a group of people or provide the money that is needed for something.举个🌰:

He picked up the tab for dinner that night. 


📍“付账,买单”pay the bill,也可以说foot the bill;foot作名词大家都知道,也可作动词,表示“付账”,尤指不情愿地为昂贵的东西付钱,英文解释为“to pay for something, especially something expensive that you do not want to pay for”,举个🌰:

He ordered drinks and then left me to foot the bill!


📍口语上,我买单我请客,通常也说My treat. / It's my treat! / It's on me!等等;然而,不请客,想AA怎么说?share the bill / split the bill / go Dutch 等等。


昨天在谷歌撤下2500多个中国相关YouTube频道刚出现的disinformation,表示“虚假信息,假消息”,英文解释为“false information that is given deliberately, especially by government organizations”。


📍Misinformation is wrong information which is given to someone, often in a deliberate attempt to make them believe something that is not true.(常指故意提供的)虚假消息

disinformation & misinformation, 大家能弄清楚两者的区别吗?

“The spread in the United States of mobile applications developed and owned by companies in the People’s Republic of China (China) continues to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,” the president wrote.


Much remains unclear about the scope of the ban, including precisely which transactions would be severed. But it appears to have even more severe consequences for WeChat than for TikTok, which could be rescued through its talks with an American suitor.


sever /ˈsevər/

1)表示“切断;切掉”,英文解释为“To sever something means to cut completely through it or to cut it completely off.”举个🌰:

He severed his right foot in a motorcycle accident.


2)表示“断绝 (关系、联系)”,英文解释为“If you sever a relationship or connection that you have with someone, you end it suddenly and completely.”举个🌰:

The company has severed its ties with its previous partners.


🎬电影《三个火枪手》(The Three Musketeers)中的台词提到:It's quite easy for an employer to sever all ties with his operative, 主子想彻底除掉密探绝对轻而易举。


1)表示“(女性的)求婚者”,英文解释为“A woman's suitor is a man who wants to marry her.”举个🌰:

My mother had a suitor who adored her.


2)表示“求购公司”,英文解释为“A suitor is a company or organization that wants to buy another company.”举个🌰:

The company was making little progress in trying to find a suitor.


WeChat is used widely around the world, particularly by people of Chinese descent, to communicate with friends and loved ones, read news and carry out business transactions, and such a ban could effectively cut off much informal communication between people in China and the United States. Questions remain as to whether the order will affect businesses tied to Tencent, WeChat’s parent company, which is an investor in many popular American technology and gaming start-ups.



表示“血缘关系,家族关系;祖先;出身”,英文解释为“You use descent to talk about a person's family background, for example, their nationality or social status.”举个🌰:

All the contributors were of African descent.



表示“刚成立的公司,新企业(尤指互联网公司)”,英文解释为“a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company”。

TikTok and Tencent did not immediately respond to requests for comment. A press officer for Microsoft declined to comment.


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